Τρίτη 7 Νοεμβρίου 2017

...Today we spin the old globe our way...

When I look for the grandest day of my life,
rummaging in all i 've gone through and seen. 
I name without doubt or internal strife
October 25, 1917...


I am writing these lines on the evening of the 24th. The situation is critical in the extreme. In fact it is now absolutely clear that to delay the uprising would be fatal.

With all my might I urge comrades to realise that everything now hangs by a thread; that we are confronted by problems which are not to be solved by conferences or congresses (even congresses of Soviets), but exclusively by peoples, by the masses, by the struggle of the armed people.

The bourgeois onslaught of the Kornilovites and the removal of Verkhovsky show that we must not wait. We must at all costs, this very evening, this very night, arrest the government, having first disarmed the officer cadets (defeating them, if they resist), and so on.

We must not wait! We may lose everything!

The value of the immediate seizure of power will be the defence of the people (not of the congress, but of the people, the army and the peasants in the first place) from the Kornilovite government, which has driven out Verkhovsky and has hatched a second Kornilov plot.

Who must take power?

That is not important at present. Let the Revolutionary Military Committee do it, or "some other institution" which will declare that it will relinquish power only to the true representatives of the interests of the people, the interests of the army (the immediate proposal of peace), the interests of the peasants (the land to be taken immediately and private property abolished), the interests of the starving.

All districts, all regiments, all forces must be mobilised at once and must immediately send their delegations to the Revolutionary Military Committee and to the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks with the insistent demand that under no circumstances should power be left in the hands of Kerensky and Co. until the 25th of October. The matter must be decided without fail this very evening, or this very night.

History will not forgive revolutionaries for procrastinating when they could be victorious today (and they certainly will be victorious today), while they risk losing much tomorrow, in fact, they risk losing everything.

If we seize power today, we seize it not in opposition to the Soviets but on their behalf.

The seizure of power is the business of the uprising; its political purpose will become clear after the seizure.

It would be a disaster, or a sheer formality, to await the wavering vote of October 25. The people have the right and are in duty bound to decide such questions not by a vote, but by force; in critical moments of revolution, the people have the right and are in duty bound to give directions to their representatives, even their best representatives, and not to wait for them.

This is proved by the history of all revolutions; and it would be an infinite crime on the part of the revolutionaries were they to let the chance slip, knowing that the salvation of the revolution,the offer of peace, the salvation of Petrograd, salvation from famine, the transfer of the land to the peasants depend upon them.

The government is tottering. It must be given the death blow at all costs.

To delay action is fatal.

Map of St. Petersbrug (then Petrograd) in 1917

The Petrograd Soviet Assembly meeting in 1917

This letter written on 24.10 by V.I.Lenin to the Central Committee members was the final call for the uprising. Few hours later, at 01.25am on 25th of October 1917 (7.11 according to Gregorian calendar) Red Guards, sailors and soldiers strormed and conquered the Central Post Office building of St. Petersburg....   

..."Today we spin the old globe our way"...

"They Attempted to Check the Revolution".
 Drawing bby V.Deni, 1935

And from that banner, from every fold
Lenin, alive as ever, cries:
"Workers, prepare for the last assult!
Slaves, unbend your knees and spines!
Proletarian army, rise in force!
Long live the Revolution with speedy victory,
the greatest and justest of all wars
ever fought in history!"

Vladimir Mayakovsky, "Lenin", 1924

One century after, the Great October Socialist Revolution still remains the bright example, 
the guide to the struggle of Man for social emancipation and liberation.

Πέμπτη 30 Μαρτίου 2017

L'homme à la fleur...

«Γερό μυαλό, γερή καρδιά.
Αυτοί νικούνε κι όταν πέφτουν».

Just before dawn, a Sunday 65 years ago, the post-civilwar Greek state executes the Communist Nikos Beloyannis and his comrades. May they sacrificed their own lifes but as the great French poet Paul Eluard wrote "Beloyannis is dead. He didn't sacrifice anything from our honour and hope for a bright tomorrow".

N. Kaloumenos, N. Beloyannis, E. Argiriadis, D. Mpatsis
during their second trial. Athens, February 1952.

Few days after the execution the following short letter was sent to his mother, Vasiliki, by the political prisoners of "Inzentin" prisons.

Beloved mother. We the 500 political prisoners of the medieval prisons of "Inzentin" on Creta, with endless love join our grief with yours for the death of our beloved friend Nikos. You lost your son, we lost our brother. Country lost the earnest patriot. People the hero. Humanity the great man.

Disarmament, freedom, democracy, peace, progress, lost their hero, their militant and protector. On earth, your children are many millions. These children hold in their hearts Niko's memory. These swear in his name. Honour and glory to our hero brother. Cursed be the murderers,organizers of wars. No more blood. Peace and democracy in Greece and the whole world.

Political Prisoners of "Inzentin" prisons.
April 1952.

Παρασκευή 27 Ιανουαρίου 2017

We, the Dead, Accuse!

No crosses rot upon our graves,
No headstones gently lean
No lattice wrought or twined wreaths
No bowing angels screen. 

No willow tree or gold-writ rhyme
No candle never quenched 
We rot in pits, white-splashed with lime
With rain our bones are drenched
Our whitened skulls without defense
Trembled on barbed wire fence
Our scattered ash fills may an urn
Ans still the bodies burn.

A chain we are, which the earth wears
And the wind blows like seed,
We count the days and months and years
We know not time nor speed.
Our numbers grow by day and night
We swell beneath your ground
And upward press until our might
Will burst our earthly bound.
Then skull to skull and bone to bone
We 'll mount the judgment throne
And bring to all the fearful news:
Lo! We, the Dead, Accuse!

The following is one of two poems written on 8.3.1944 by an unknown female Jew prisoner of Czech nationality, on her way to crematorium in Auschwitz II - Birkenau. The note with the poems handed by a Sonderkommando prisoner and then smuggled out of the camp to Prague. 

Στο μνήμα μας επάνω δε θα βρεις σταυρό,
ούτε πολυκαιρίσιες πλάκες ραγισμένες.
Δε θα βρεις άνθη, μήτε κάγκελα από σίδερο χυτό,
ούτε και Χερουβείμ με παναγνές μορφές θλιμένες.

Κεριά δε στάζουν πάνω μας δάκρυ καφτό.
Κι ο ίσκιος του κυπαρισιού είναι μακριά μας.
Μ' άσβεστη ποτισμένοι λιώνουμε στους λάκκους μας σωρό
και μόν' ο άνεμος σφυρίζει αγριωπός στα κόκκαλα μας.

Άσπρα κρανία κρεμασμένα δω κι εκεί
πάνω στους φράχτες με το σύρμα τ' αγκαθένιο.
Κι η στάχτη μας σκορπά και χάνεται κι αυτή
στους πέντε ανέμους - σύννεφο ασημένιο.

Σ' απόκοσμη διαβαίνουμε αράδα σκοτεινή,
σπόροι που μας κυλά το φύσημα τ' ανέμου.
Κι όλο μετρούμε: μήνες - χρόνοι μακρυνοί,
καθώς, προσμένουμε το τέλος του πολέμου.

Στρώμα το στρώμα αυξαίνουμε και πιο πολύ
μέσα στου λάκκου τ' αγριο, πηχτό σκοτάδι.
Αδιάκοπα η σάρκα μας χορταίνει σας τη γή.
Θε να ρθει όμως η στιγμή να σπάσει η θύρα του Άδη.

Τότε θα βγούμε - λιτανεία φοβερή 
σκελετωμένα κόκκαλα. Κι όπως θα προχωρούμε
Θε ν' αντηχήσει βροντερή η άγρια μας κραυγή:
"Εμείς, οι τραγικοί νεκροί, κατηγορούμε!"

αποδοσή: Ν. Παπανδρέου, 1979

Noon, 27.1.1945. Units of the 322nd Rifle Division, part of the 60th Army, of Soviet Red Army reaches the main gate of Auschwitz I concentration camp. There they found 7000 inmates in unbearable condition and 600 dead bodies. They were all left behind as 9 days earlier (18.1.1945) the SS ordered the evacuation to the west of the aprx. 60000 prisoners of Auschwitz Complex camps. One of the greatest insult in the history of Man was over...

For ever let this place be a cry of despair and a warning to humanity, 
where the Nazis murdered about one and a half million men, women and children, 
mainly Jews, from various countries of Europe.
Auschwitz-Birkenau 1940 - 1945

Εις Μνήμειν. / In Memory.


ps. All photos are from the Auschwitz I & Auschwitz II - Birkenau Memorial site.
Taken on Sunday 9th of October 2016.